Morning came. Miroku awoke to find the girls already awake and preparing breakfast. Shippo was still asleep. Inuyasha was nowhere in sight. Miroku got up and went into the woods to relieve himself. The girls chatted about their favorite foods and drinks. Whenever Kagome mentioned a modern drink she had to explain herself to Akemi. Shippo awoke to the smell of oatmeal. He joined the girls near the fire where they were cooking.
“Hey, where’s Inuyasha and Miroku?” Shippo wondered.
“They probably went for a walk,” said Kagome.
The girls served Shippo then themselves.
“Akemi, you have to tell us the rest of the story!” Kagome exclaimed
“Kagome,” Sango tried calming her down.
“I’m sorry, Sango but she’s getting to the romantic part!”
“That’s true,” agreed Sango.
“Can you picture Raygan being romantic?” asked Kagome. “I’m so happy for you, Akemi,” congratulated Kagome.
“How did you come across Raygan?” wondered Akemi.
“Well, we kind of stumbled onto him when we were searching for shards of the Shikon jewel,” explained Kagome.
“Yeah, we saw Raygan take on this huge dragon all by himself! He used all his weapons,” Shippo went on to describe the battle while Akemi listened with glee.
“That sounds like Raygan,” said Akemi. “He loves teasing dragons when he battles them.”
“Okay, Akemi I’m curious, you mentioned you wanted to become a demon slayer. Did you become one?” wondered Sango.
“Yes, I did. I trained hard but it took some time for the men of the village to become accustomed to a woman fighting alongside them.”
“I’m a demon slayer myself. My hiraikotsu is made out of real demon bones.”
“Are you familiar with the demon slayer village?” Akemi asked Sango.
“I grew up in the demon slayer village. My father was the tribe leader and head slayer.”
Sango went on to explain she remains the only demon slayer from the village because of Naraku. After much time thinking about her family and their fate, Sango grew accustomed to recollecting thoughts of the fateful day Kohaku betrayed them.
“I’m terribly sorry to hear that,” Akemi said sadly.
“What of Hanna?” asked Kagome. “Did she become a slayer too? And how did Raygan get that amazing sword?” pressed Kagome.
Akemi picked up some oatmeal on her spoon and put it in her mouth. She swallowed the oatmeal then continued her story.
The village wasn’t the same without Raygan. Being with Hanna helped distract me from Raygan but I couldn’t help it. I was taken by him. Every day I would practice my sword exercises pretending Raygan was watching. When he returned I hoped he would notice an improvement. Yet, I worried about him. Chang and Raygan went alone. I know Chang was a strong warrior and that he would watch out for Raygan, but something inside me told me a tragic event was to occur. I tried not to think about it, but everyone else noticed I was uneasy. Eating with Hanna and our parents my father would ask if I was alright because I ate very slowly. I couldn’t lie my way out so I explained to them how I felt. Master Long and my father shrugged away from my concern and told me to be glad as things are now. One day after dinner, my father and I made our way to our home from a neighbor’s house. My father glanced at me every once in a while. When we reached our house my father talked to me before going inside.
“Daughter, I believe I know what’s troubles you,” he said. “You’re thinking about Raygan.”
It was that obvious, I guessed. “Father, how did you know?”
“You are growing into a woman, Akemi. You’ll be fifteen soon. It’s only natural, but do not worry. He will be well, you’ll see. He should be returning soon. Now let’s go inside. Rest your thoughts.”
I needed to hear encouragement. My father’s words reminded me of the times he cared for me back on the island. I missed those moments. I went inside our house and went to sleep hoping and waiting for Raygan to return. The next morning I was fetching water to boil vegetables. I dipped the pail into the creek and withdrew it. A little dragon looked me in the eyes from within the pail. I was screamed dropping the pail and spilling the water on the grass.
“Can I give you a hand with that,” asked Raygan. “I didn’t mean to frighten you.”
“Raygan? When did you come back?”
“Just now. I saw you coming to the creek with a pail and thought I’d assist you.”
“How clumsy of me,” I said picking up the pail.
Raygan took the pail from my hands and dipped it into the creek. “I think this water is enough.” We walked back to my house telling me about the demons he struck down in his journey. “Have you been practicing your fighting moves?” he asked me.
“Yes, I have both defensive and offensive.”
“Excellent. Maybe Chang can teach you from now on.”
“What do you mean?”
“There’s little more you can learn from me, Akemi. Chang is the more experienced fighter. I’m still a learner.”
“But I want you to teach me,” I said in a sad tone.
Raygan smiled. He nudged me forward carrying the pail to his father’s house. I rushed inside the house to cook quickly so could go see Raygan. My father sat in the room reading a scroll.
“Raygan has returned!” I exclaimed.
“Yes, I heard him speaking with you outside.”
My father continued reading his scroll. I continued with my chores. Out the window I saw Hanna hugging her brother. How I wished to be embraced by him. I tried not to think about it.
That night my father and I gathered at Master Long’s to hear about the journey. The villagers were always interested in news from other villages and towns. These meetings were always a way to entertain themselves and hear firsthand how the warriors grow their skills. As they spoke Hanna and I joked about Chang’s hair. His hair was cut uneven.
“To inform you all about my hair, a portion of it was chomped by a demon. I made him pay for what he did!” Chang shook his fist while we laughed.
Raygan started talking about his duties to the other villagers. The little dragon sitting on my lap began to growl. I tried to quiet it down, but the little dragon let out a small roar. Raygan stopped mid sentence. His expression turned serious. The little dragon leapt off me and ran to Raygan. Master Long asked what was going on. Raygan got on one knee. The little dragon looked into Raygan’s eyes. Raygan stood on his feet and peered out into the dark, moonless sky.
“What is it, Raygan?” asked Chang.
“Demons are coming!” warned Raygan.
Master Long and my father stood up at the same time.
“How certain are you?” asked my father with concern.
“The dragon told him so,” said Master Long still staring at his son in disbelief.
Chang looked at Raygan half surprised. “Warn the villagers!” ordered he. “You certain about this, Raygan?”
“I am. Chang, the demons are coming for their revenge.”
“They must have followed our scent!”
My father grabbed me and told me to go hide in the house. I refused.
“Daughter, this is no time to argue! Go inside the house now!”
“No, father. I wish to fight.”
“What? I won’t allow it!”
“I’ve been practicing father. How else will I gain the experience I need if not by practicing in battle?”
My father looked me in the eyes. “I don’t want to lose you, Akemi,” he said a sorrowful tone.
“You won’t. I promise.”
My father hugged me and left for his shop to arm himself. Hanna and I did the same. I picked up my sword and met Hanna on the road between our houses. She was armed with her bow and arrow.
“We finally get to show off to the men!” exclaimed Hanna.
I saw Raygan putting on his mask from a distance. His dark red armor made him look so aggressive and violent. The two swords my father made for him hung on his back along with his bow and pack of arrows. Chang went over to him covered in his dark green armor and armed with his big sword. They spoke to one another then Chang parted. Master Long came out of his house carrying a sword on a black sheath. I’ve never seen that sword, I wasn’t even aware that he had one. My father came up from behind us. He said he was not going to leave my side. Raygan finished gearing up. He whistled for his dragon. Dragon come running up to him and leapt onto his shoulder. Raygan walked out to the front of the village to face the demons. Master Long followed after him. Not many turned out to fight. Most of them stayed in their homes. I found that strange knowing where I came from all the men go out to defend the village.
I could see Raygan from a distance. His father stood beside him on the open road. I could hear that familiar banshee cry of the demons. They were approaching fast. Hanna placed an arrow on her bow string. Warriors lined the streets of the road. My father held his sword firmly. I kept my sword at ready. The demons were almost at the village. Dragon jumped off Raygan and morphed into a large dragon. Raygan leapt on to his dragon withdrawing one sword from his back. Dragon took off into the air and flew towards the incoming demons. Master Long withdrew his sword from its sheath. He pointed it to the air and gave a command. Master Long set his sword down and waited. Dragon flew right into the horde of demons. Raygan twirled his sword cutting down the attacking demons. Other demons passed him by and charged at the village. I began to shake. I couldn’t believe I was about to fight demons! The warriors led a battle cry and engaged the demons. Hanna released an arrow and quickly drew another one. A demon fell from the sky with an arrow piercing its eye. I rushed at it. My father called out behind me. I stuck the demon in the head. My father came from behind, leapt in the air and killed a demon that was about to devour me.
“Akemi! No foolish stunts!”
I felt terrible for having gotten to a bad start my first time fighting demons.
A loud roar directed my attention to the air. The roar was not of a demon. I could see a couple of dragons flying down from the sky and attacking the demon horde. I marveled at the sight.
“My father’s dragons have arrived!” shouted Hanna looking at the sky.
I remained alongside Hanna. Every demon Hanna struck down near us I would finish the job. My father fought well against the demons along with the other warriors. Master Long stayed where he was untouched by the action around him. I lost sight of Raygan. We continued fighting and killing demons. A demon struck by an arrow fell straight at us. Dragon flew down and pushed it away. Raygan leapt off Dragon and landed on the ground continuing to slice demons with his two swords. Soon the demons were destroyed. Women came out of the houses with containers and poured them the ground. Hanna explained to me that they were purifying the ground to be rid of the demon flesh. Raygan came up to me. He was covered in demon blood. He stared at Hanna and me to make sure we were all right. He then left to join his father. My father stood by me. He was impressed by my courage. He touched my shoulder than turned away. I watched as he walked into the house to clean himself off. I had proven to my father that I was no longer a little girl.
Akemi finished eating her oatmeal. Shippo collected the bowls and placed them near the pot. Akemi went on to tell that a few days after the battle while she and Hanna picked fruits, Hanna tried a fruit and become ill.
“That’s awful,” said Kagome.
“What happened?” asked Sango.
“Master Long tried several of remedies to heal her but nothing alleviated her. Day after day Hanna kept getting worse.”
“How did they make her better?” worried Shippo.
“Master Long told Raygan about a certain legend of a mystic potion that is able to heal all kinds of diseases. Raygan volunteered to seek the potion. He asked that I look after Hanna while he was gone. Raygan rode Dragon to the mountains leading to the sky. Meanwhile, I attended to Hanna’s every request. Her fever increased in over a week. There were times she frightened me because she wouldn’t eat, she wouldn’t drink. Hanna hardly slept. One day as I was coming over to give Hanna an herbal tea I saw Master Long and some of the villagers weeping. Hanna died from her illness. My heart sank. I went in to see her. When I saw her lying motionless I screamed and cried. I couldn’t stop crying.
“Raygan returned nearly a week after Hanna’s death. I met him on the road into the village and told him the news. Raygan turned away from me. His eyes swelled. A tear streaked down his cheek. I cried too.”
The passing of Hanna changed Raygan’s attitude towards everyone. He treated people with more respect. He honored his father even more. His change was more notable towards me. Raygan checked on me frequently to make sure I was well. He would worry some times when I went out to the fields and come home late. He stopped his worrying after a few months noticing that he was overreacting. For the next three years Raygan never left the village. Chang made journeys with other warriors. Chang begged Raygan to accompany them but Raygan always refused. He wanted to stay and help out in the village. I kept quiet about my feelings for Raygan for those three years, but I couldn’t continue to hide them. Raygan and I became real close always seeking one another’s companionship then came the fateful day that I will remember always.
Master Long and I walked by the flower bed coming back to the village from Hanna’s grave. We talked about Hanna for some time, but then Master Long brought up Raygan.
“Akemi, you have become quite the demon slayer. I’ve watched you fight off the demons that continue attacking this village. My son has developed strong feelings for you over the years.”
“As have I but we’re merely friends,” I tried not to bring up my true feelings for Raygan.
“Akemi, my son loves you,” Master Long said to my surprise. “He meant to tell you but I thought it best to deliver the message myself. You see, Akemi, Raygan will no longer be staying with us.”
“I don’t understand,” my heart began to race.
“Tonight I will anoint him Dragon Master. I suggest you and Raygan speak before the ceremony tonight.”
We walked back to the village. I felt happy for Raygan, but I didn’t real know what that meant for Raygan. Raygan and I spent time together taking a stroll. My heart beat fast just walking beside him.
“Akemi,” he said. “I know you spoken with my father. By now you must know that I will be departing.”
“Why must you go?”
“My father will explain that tonight.” I hung my head in sorrow. He lifted my chin with his hand. “Akemi, you must also know I do not wish to leave you.”
My heart skipped a beat. I felt my blood rush throughout my body. I looked into Raygan’s eyes. I’ve never seen him like that before. He’s eyes focused on me. I tried to tell him how I felt, but my words couldn’t come out. I embraced him not wanting to let him go. Raygan held me in his strong arms. This is something I always wished to experience now I couldn’t believe it was happening.
“Raygan?” I spoke softly. “I don’t want you to go.”
“I must.”
A tear fell from my eye onto Raygan’s garment. I didn’t say it, but we both knew we loved one another.
“Akemi, would you wait for me? Would you still be here when I return?”
“Of course I will.”
“I will marry you when I return.”
I wept. I couldn’t tell if I was crying out of joy or sadness. This was a bittersweet moment.
“Raygan, if you don’t return to me in a year’s time I will go and search for you.”
Raygan didn’t argue. He just stared at me and smiled. He left to go wash before the ceremony. That night the entire village gathered by the fields. The moon shone brightly aiding the torches lighting the area. A pedestal held a few items covered underneath a cloak. I stood next to my father. Master Long and Raygan made their way to the front of the crowd and stood in front of the pedestal. Master Long motioned for silence. When the villagers quieted down Master Long addressed them.
“I wish to thank all of you who have gathered here tonight. Tonight I will bestow upon my son the honor of becoming the next dragon master. I must confess I have not been a great dragon master. Raygan was born in my early years. My love and care for him and his mother hindered me from tracking down dragons and living up to the family name. Raygan has become what our ancestors had longed for. Raygan began to hunt down dragons at a young age and now wishes to pursue his duties as the dragon master. He will journey alone with only his spirit, will, determination and dragon as his companions. He has learned much but has yet much to learn. Raygan has the gift of telepathy which allows him to commune with dragons. He has increased his battle skills. He learned to combine his strength and dragon’s aid in battle. Now I pass on to him the family heirloom which signifies his status as a dragon master. Flaron, a sword forged with dragon’s fire and magic, will now pass on from me to Raygan. He has earned it.”
Master Long removed the cloak from the pedestal and placed it over his shoulder. The pedestal held Flaron and a dagger. Master Long instructed Raygan to hold out his right hand. Raygan did as instructed. Master Long gripped Raygan’s hand and with his other hand took the dagger and cut Raygan’s palm. I flinched. Master Long then instructed Raygan to grab Flaron. Raygan pulled Flaron out of its sheath. He tightened his grip around the handle. He then replaced the sword in the sheath. Master Long wrapped Raygan’s cut then placed his hands on his son. He made a prayer for his son then the villagers cheered. Raygan had been anointed Dragon Master.
After the ceremony we all departed to our homes. At home my father sat me down in the room and talked to me about Raygan.
“I spoke with Raygan earlier today.”
“You did, father?”
“Yes, while you were with Master Long.”
“What did he say?”
“Raygan asked me if he could take you as his wife.”I blushed and covered my mouth with my hand. “Daughter, Raygan is honorable and I would allow no other man to take you as his wife.”
My father picked a small box he had hiding behind him. He pulled out a necklace with a beautiful jewel. The jewel was a light green color in the form of twisted leaves with a bud of a flower as the tip of the jewel. My father told me it belonged to my mother. She had given it to him when they agreed to married. He advised me to do the same. I held the jewel in my hand and began to cry.
The next morning I found Raygan with his equipment all ready to go. I noticed that he was taking dark blue armor and mask. When he saw me he stopped busying himself and gave me his full attention.
He embraced me. “Chang will look after you and your father.”
“I wish it were you looking after me.” I said as he held me tighter. “I want you to have this.” I showed Raygan my mother’s necklace. “This is my mother’s necklace. She gave it to my father when they were betrothed to one another. I want you to have to remember me.”
“Thank you, Akemi.”
I blushed while I put the necklace on him. Raygan leaned close and kissed me on the forehead. He carried his gear and called for his dragon. Master Long and my father said their farewells. Raygan rode Dragon off into the distance. I stayed looking at the sky even after Raygan had disappeared from my sight. My father stood by me. We went to eat supper with Master Long and Chang to help clear our thoughts but I couldn’t stop thinking about Raygan.
“Dragon hunting is a tradition long abandoned,” Master Long informed. “This journey Raygan is on requires focus, strength and endurance. He is the first dragon master to do so in a long time. Since the first dragon master very few were able to continue to uphold the honor and trueness of being a dragon master. Some masters were incompetent. Their sons tried to restore the family honor but failed to do so.” Master Long drank some tea then continued. “My grandfather was born to a somewhat evil master. My grandfather’s father used his dragons for personal gain. A dragon master is supposed to use his gift for good. An old priest prophesied that a son would be born to restore the honor of the dragon master lineage.”
He paused.
“You believe Raygan might be the son the priest spoke of?” I assumed.
“I must believe that he is.”
“Raygan is different from the previous dragon masters.” Chang interjected. “Raygan was born with special gifts that have not been seen since the days of old.”
“Raygan is a better master than I am,” confessed Master Long. “Raygan is willing to put family tradition ahead of his own interest,” he stared at me. “He was even willing to leave the person he holds dearest to him.” I wasn’t sure Master Long was talking about himself. “It is unknown how long Raygan will be gone, but my son will not return until he believes his mission is complete,” Master Long continued.
I didn’t want to hear that Raygan was going to be gone for so long but what choice did I have? When we finished supping my father and I bowed to Master Long to excuse ourselves. Chang followed us out.
“Akemi,” he said. “Raygan has given me instructions to help you complete your training to become a demon slayer. Tomorrow, we will begin the hardship training.”
I bowed in gratitude. Chang trained me for the whole year Raygan was gone. I became an experience fighter. I eventually joined the warriors on demon hunts. After the year went by without any news, I began to worry about Raygan. I spoke to my father one day and explained to him the vow I had made to Raygan. My father protested but I wasn’t going to wait any longer.
“Daughter, the roads are rife with perils!” he warned. “You’re all that remains of me. I hate to see you go.” My father wept for me knowing he had to let me go.
“I will find Raygan. Your seed, father will continue to grow through Raygan and me.”
My father smiled sadly. After a brief moment of sorrow I left to gather what clothing and gear I could carry. I mounted my equipment on my horse. Master Long and my father bid me farewell. Chang guided me outside of the village then gave me money to pay for my voyage to the island.
“If I know Raygan as well as I think I do, he will pass on to the island to continue hunting,” said Chang.
I thanked him and continued on my way. The island, the one place I abandoned years ago was now the place I knew I was to return to.
“I spent two years searching for him with no luck until a couple of days ago.”
“You’re so strong,” commented Kagome wiping the tears from their eyes. “You must really love him to believe he’s still alive.”
“I know he lives and that’s why I must find him.”
“Raygan isn’t far from here,” informed Sango.
Akemi was surprised to hear this news. She became a hurried to pick up her things. Kagome and Sango explained to Akemi the recent events with Raygan and how he came to reside at that village. Akemi was concerned about Raygan’s wounds, but Kagome assured her he was in good hands.
Shippo looked around the campsite. Miroku had yet to return.
“Hey, Miroku and Inuyasha are gone!”
“We’ll find them,” said Sango.
“It was absolutely a pleasure meeting you, Akemi,” smiled Kagome embracing her.
Sango did the same. Akemi was happy to make new friends.
“Hey, maybe we can meet up tomorrow, Akemi,” said Shippo. “Well, that’s if Raygan is feeling okay to travel.”
“Farewell my friends. I pray we meet again.”
Akemi took off running down the road. Kagome and Sango knew they will meet again. Shippo, Sango and Kagome collected the bowls and pots and put them away in Kagome’s backpack.
“Now, let’s go find those boys,” said Kagome.
“Right,” replied Sango.
They hopped on Kirara and took off in search of Miroku and Inuyasha.
“Inuyasha!” shouted Miroku catching up to Inuyasha. “Where are you going?”
“What’s it look like? I’m going to get Kagome’s stupid book. She’s busy talking with Akemi about all this romantic stuff! I’m not waiting around any longer. I’m going!”
Miroku looked beyond Inuyasha. The well was just up ahead.
“I didn’t realize we were this close to Lady Kaede’s village,” said Miroku.
“I’ll be right back.”
“But, Inuyasha—”
Inuyasha ran to the well and hopped in. Miroku shouted Inuyasha’s name into the well but it was too late. Inuyasha passed on to Kagome’s time.
Inuyasha checked to see if the coast was clear enough for him to reach Kagome’s house. He darted to her house when he had the chance. He leapt onto the second story, opened the window, and entered Kagome’s room. Inuyasha scanned Kagome’s clean and organized room.
What a mess! How am I supposed to find her book?
Inuyasha searched under the bed, in the closet and finally at her desk. Several of books lay on her desk. On top of the pile of books was a history book. He tossed it aside. He picked up the geometry book. Inuyasha skimmed through the book trying to understand the shapes and figures. All the shapes made him dizzy.
“Well, this has to be it. It says ‘Ge-o-met-ry’ on the cover.”
Inuyasha was making his way out when a small book half covered under Kagome’s pillow caught his attention. Inuyasha picked up Kagome’s diary and flipped through a couple of pages.
“Man. Kagome must have a lot of free time to write this stuff. Huh?” A mention of Koga’s name caught his attention. Inuyasha read on the page explaining Kagome’s first encounter with Koga. “I wasn’t jealous!” he reacted to Kagome’s description of Inuyasha’s feelings.
Inuyasha continued turning the pages until he found something interesting. A page that detailed Kagome’s feelings for Inuyasha made him sit on the floor cross-legged.
“She worried about me . . . How could she get jealous . . . Stupid Kagome . . .” Inuyasha commented about some phrases Kagome wrote. “Huh, she really cares about me? If she really cared about me she wouldn’t be shoving my face into the ground all the time!”
A small knock at the door made Inuyasha flinch.
“Kagome, is that you?” asked Souta entering the room. “Inuyasha! Hey, I thought I heard some noise, but I didn’t think it was you!”
“Hey, Souta.”
“What are you doing in Kagome’s room?”
“I came to pick up her book.”
“Boy, you sure made a mess of the place,” said Souta eyeing the messy room. “Kagome’s going to kill you.”
“She wouldn’t!” said Inuyasha becoming concerned.
“Look, Sango! There’s Miroku!” Kagome pointed at Miroku sitting by the well.
“Where, Inuyasha?” asked Kagome getting off Kirara.
Miroku motioned to the well.
“He went inside the well?” she was a bit surprised.
“He said he went to get your book.”
“Inuyasha, why do you have to be so impatient,” Kagome complained out loud.
“Well, are you going in there after him?” asked Sango still mounted on Kirara.
“I guess so. I just hope he didn’t mess anything up.”
Kagome climbed into the well and returned to her time. Miroku’s stomach churned. Shippo knew he was hungry so he fetched Kagome’s pack and brought Miroku the oatmeal that was meant for him.
“What happened to Akemi?” wondered Miroku.
“Is she all you can think about?” Sango was frustrated with Miroku.
“All I did was asked where she was because she’s not with you!”
“She returned to her betrothed.”
Miroku looked into his oatmeal bowl. To cheer Sango up he thought of teasing her. “So, I guess I can’t ask her to bear my children.” Sango slapped him. Miroku closed his eyes in meditation. “I can never get tired of this good pain.”
Shippo shook his head. After a while Sango smiled and broke into a small laugh.
“I knew you’d come through, Sango,” said Miroku.
“You sure know to anger a girl and cheer her up.”
“I am a man of many talents,” boasted Miroku.
“You don’t know how to treat a girl, Miroku. That’s one talent you lack.”
“Hmm, you never let me show you how well I treat a girl.”
Souta laughed with Inuyasha as they read through Kagome’s diary together.
“What are you two laughing at?”
Inuyasha and Souta screamed as Kagome climbed through the window.
“Did you find my book?” asked Kagome with her hands on her waist.
Inuyasha was too frightened to say anything. Kagome frowned at the condition of her room. She caught sight of the book Inuyasha held on his hands.
“What are you reading?” she demanded to know.
“Uh,” Inuyasha was still too scared to say anything.
“Hi, sis! I missed you,” Souta tried to calm his sister down.
“I missed you too, Souta. Where did Inuyasha get that book?”
“Um, well he searched for your math book and stumbled on this other one, I guess.”
Kagome took her diary from Inuyasha’s hands. “How much did you read?” Kagome’s gaze was more menacing then any demon Inuyasha had faced.
“Not much,” lied Inuyasha.
“Well, do you have my geometry book?” He held the geometry book in his hands. “Good. Come, Inuyasha. The others are waiting for us.”
“Now you’re in a hurry? I’ve been waiting for you since last night!” snapped Inuyasha.
Kagome made that menacing face again. Inuyasha prepared to defend himself, but Kagome was not going to hurt him in front of her brother.
“I know I made you a wait a long time, but now that you have my book we should get moving. Akemi left to reunite with Raygan.”
Inuyasha followed Kagome to the window.
“Goodbye, Souta. Greet mom and grandpa for me.”
“Sure will, Kagome,” he turned to Inuyasha. “Good luck, Inuyasha.”
Inuyasha gulped and followed her out the window into the well.
Shippo, Kirara, Sango and Miroku drank water while they waited for Kagome and Inuyasha to return. A beam of light shone out of the well. Kagome then Inuyasha reappeared.
“Well, Inuyasha was kind enough to fetch my book and read through my personal things. I think we’re ready to leave,” she sounded resentful.
“Hey, I needed to do something instead of sitting down listening to someone tell her story!”
“Yeah, well you read my story!” Kagome snapped back.
Sango, Shippo and Miroku shook their heads. “Here they go again,” they jinxed.
After a little arguing, the adventurers left on their journey to search for another jewel shard.
A man working as a guard to the entrance to the village greeted Akemi. “Why, hello young lady,” His face brightened at the sight of Akemi. “What brings you here all by your lonesome?” he flirted.
“I am looking for the leader of this village. He houses a guest in need of care.”
“Well, I know the leader, and I’ll be more than happy to show you the way. Follow me.” The guard led Akemi through the streets of the village to the village leader’s house. He flirted with her nervously as they approached the mansion. “You know, I could use some care once you’re done inside,” the guard smiled.
A cold stare from Akemi turned the guard away. Akemi approached the house and was greeted a servant boy at the door.
“I seek the leader of this village,” she said with a bow.
The young servant went into the house and returned accompanied by the leader.
“May I be of assistance, young lady?” asked the leader.
“I am Akemi,” she bowed. “I believe there is some under your care that I wish to see.”
“There are many under my care. Of whom do you speak?” The leader was suspicious of the hooded Akemi.
“I seek Raygan.”
“You have come to the right place. Place enter. May I offer you something to drink?”
“I only wish to see Raygan, please.”
The leader hesitated but then guided her to Raygan’s room. Akemi tried to keep herself together, but with every step she took her heart beat faster, her body grew weak, the memories of the man she saw long ago flooded her thoughts.
Has he changed? Would I recognize him? Does he remember me? Will he still love me after all this time? Has he found someone else?
Many conflicting thoughts entered Akemi. She did her best not to pay any attention to them. The leader reached the door. Before he opened the door the leader wanted to make sure Akemi was not some form of sorceress or assassin in disguise.
“Why do wish to see this man?” he demanded.
“I heard he is wounded and wanted to provide care for him.”
“We care for him in this household. Why would he welcome a late comer?”
“If Raygan does not wish for me to stay I will leave.”
The leader agreed to her words and opened the door. Akemi’s eyes watered and her heart sank at the sight of Raygan lying shirtless on a floor mattress with bandages on his arms. The leader entered the room after Akemi. Akemi kneeled next to Raygan. She pulled out some ointments and removed her hood. Akemi placed her hand gently on Raygan’s left shoulder. “Raygan,” she whispered.
“Do not bother him!” instructed the leader. “Akemi, I must ask you to leave this room. You may return when he is awake.”
“Akemi?” Raygan turned his head to Akemi. Akemi’s face came into focused as Raygan’s eyes adjusted on her. She greeted him with watery eyes. “Akemi, you found me,” Raygan said in a drossy voice.
“You know this woman, Raygan?” the leader asked.
“Yes, she is my betrothed.”
The leader felt stupid for having treated Akemi harshly. He apologized to Akemi, and excused himself after Akemi accepted his apology.
“I brought some ointments to heal your wounds,” She removed Raygan’s bandages.
“I never thought I would see you again,” Raygan confessed. “I have been so far away from home. I did not know when I was to return.”
“I told you I’d come searching for you.” She touched the necklace on his chest.
“I never stopped thinking about you,” Raygan said grabbing her hand. “How did you manage to find me?”
Akemi told Raygan about her adventures in search of him, and the difficulties she had to overcome to reach him. She went on to tell him how things were back at home before she left. Raygan’s spirit sang and strength returned. The emptiness he felt inside him has been filled. He longed for Akemi more than anything else. Now they were together again.